Welcome to the ClimateCrisis Link page , if you are here i asume you have already read or atleast glanced though my whole website !  =)
Well if you did have fun exploring the world of global warming

Thanks for visiting,
     ClimateCrisis Database Team

ClimateCrisis Forums
This is the forums for my website and everything about global warming
Admin- whatdidusay - (Me)
Energy Ville
a game made by Chevron to where you run you own city and make wise energy choices for you city.
here you can buy a DVD about global warming and learn about movie.
The official e-mail for my website.
this is the chevron website for better energy.
wecansolveit.com , i have obtained some of my information from this website.this website talks about globalwarming.
this is the EPA (enviromental protection agency) website for globalwarming.
The official encyclopedia for my website.
my other website which explain the greenhouse effect and globalwarming.

Green Earth Friend
Helping people to become green and improve the environment with the information that we provide.